About Impact Investigations, Inc.
We believe that our experience of over 20 years in this business is a real plus. Impact Investigations, Inc. has developed an extensive network of professionals covering people who have diverse backgrounds. Including current and past law enforcement professionals, people who are currently in the private investigation field, and business professionals who have a vast knowledge of a variety of different fields. We also believe our integrity in doing what we say we’re going to do, and the ability to deliver has been proven over time. We believe in the new technology of today, but also remain loyal to the old ways of directly communicating with our clients, and keeping them informed over every step of the investigation process.
George Pierce – Impact Investigations, Inc. Founder
My first venture in the business world, after graduating from Arizona State University with a BS degree in Marketing was with Engineering Equipment Company which was an Export Management Company exclusively representing over 50 US companies worldwide. During this time, I travelled to over 20 countries, and specialized in the medical field putting together government tenders to completely supply turnkey hospitals.
I was then recruited by 3M to work in the medical field selling surgical implants. I stayed in the medical field with a startup company called Ioptex. I spent countless hours in surgery with top surgeons selling intraocular lenses for cataract surgery.
Later an opportunity presented itself to work for a Private Detective Agency. My primary focus was to sell undercover operations to corporations who were having problems with their employees. I worked with them for over five years.
This ignited my desire to take the Private Detective exam.
The requirements for taking this exam are:
• A four-year degree in Criminal Justice or Business.
• A minimum of a one-year apprenticeship with a detective agency.
• Then you must pass the exam, where 80% of the applicants fail.
In 1997 I passed with a 93% score which allowed me to start my own investigation business, and I have been in this business ever since.